Caving in Northern Peru
Prof Peter Talling recently led an expedition sponsored by the Mount Everest Foundation to explore deep cave systems on a high plateau in Northern Peru. The team took a selection of hearty Firepot meals to keep them fuelled for the long days ahead.
It was a remarkably successful trip, 'where every hole went' and we ran out of rope as it was all quickly rigged down different holes. We also explored a very large river cave that heads in the same direction for 2.3 km; several of us thought this was the most beautiful river cave we have seen in many expeditions worldwide. This area really has world class potential now...maybe even a chance of world record depths.

Indeed, after two weeks working hard up on the high plateau - the meals were just as popular as the first day, and they gave a really good diet with enough protein. I was massively impressed....and a fan of the pulled pork recipe in particular!
Peter and his team returned to Peru in the summer of 2024, to delve deeper into the remaining unexplored parts of the caving network. Briefly, the expedition successfully climbed over the 2023 sump in Tragadero de la Soledad, to break into an (extremely) large upper series of chambers and borehole passage that rejoined the main streamway in places. Again, adventures fuelled by their favourite Firepot meals.